Sunday, November 28, 2004


Does Culture Need to be 'Official'?

The Algarve's main city, Faro, will be the 'National Capital of Culture 2005' and preparations are already afoot to organise the various functions and events that will promote its status.

It's meant, of course, to promote increased tourism, and surrounding areas can also benefit from any spin off generated by the razmataz.

What they do is to dress it up in officialese phrases like "enhancement of cultural specificness" and "preservation of architectural patrimony..."

Why bother, I ask?

It's a given that an area such as Algarve, which relies so heavily on tourist income, would like to find ways to generate more. Why wouldn't it?

But here's a newsflash for the bureaucrats... Faro's the de facto capital of Algarve, as everybody who can read already knows. And the region's charm and uniqueness stem from its local feel and the warmth of the indigenous Algarveans.

So, why would some official title, held only for one year, together with a bunch of starched suits debating complete flannel and hot air like 'architectural patrimony' impress one single tourist?
True, it'll probably cause mass orgasms among other desk-jockeys who like to spend their time organising official events and functions, but why would that translate into increased tourist Euros?

Search me - but then I just love the place for what it is...

End of rant.

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