Sunday, August 28, 2005
Replacing the Divots

As I've noted elsewhere, golf is not my forté.
My swing is famous mainly for the number of nearby persons it might endanger. (Can't remember how many irons have slipped from my 'unorthodox' grip).
So, I don't have to turn down a lot of offers to join keen golfing friends for a round.
Something to do with 'guilt by association', I think - they just don't want to be seen around someone so challenged, in case onlookers think they're that hopeless, too.
But, of the few occasions when I have thrashed a tiny white ball around the semi-rough, the most enjoyable by far have been those that took place on an Algarve golf course.
Thus it was that, when one of husband Nev's golf-nut pals mentioned that he was looking for somewhere new to take a golfing vacation, I lost no time in suggesting that he check out my Algarve golf page.
He was a bit bemused, I think...
Firstly that a mere female should have one of those 'website thingies' (the very idea!) and secondly that he'd not thought of Algarve before.
Now, I might not be that clued-up about golf... (the handle's the end with the rubber grip, right?)... but I do know a thing or two about Algarve!
So, by the time I'd finished enthusing about my favourite holiday destination, some of the passion had rubbed off, methinks.
Whatever, he left promising to check out my web page and see whether I wasn't exaggerating.
As if I would!
For a listing, description and map of all the Algarve golf courses, and a few timely reminders about booking and etiquette, there's only one Algarve golf page you need to visit...
(Even if I do say so myself).