Thursday, August 25, 2005
Tennis Anyone?

After numerous hints (some would say nagging) from husband Nev about an Algarve tennis holiday, I've given in and started looking.
Problem is, we started talking about it over 2 years ago, after my friend Chris had enthused about her first experience of Algarve tennis.
Since then, I've hardly played, so I'll be rusty as an old bedspring - I just know I'll be relegated to the 'useless' section of any coached sessions.
On the bright side, if the weather's lovely (as it should be in September) then perhaps I'll just sit around and watch the others sweat it out in the drills and practice sessions.
And I'll just mingle in at the 'apres racquet' activities and hope no-one notices.
I do feel sorry for Nev, who struggles manfully through the UK climate, year in, year out, in search of a decent day's tennis. So I guess I should at least check to see if I can arrange him some fine-weather hitting while we're on holiday.
Of course, if it's too late and all the places are booked, he can't say I didn't try...
And I'll be able to get on with what I plan to do during our September Algarve vacation. (Cue evil chuckle...)