Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Bare Facts About Algarve…
I was surprised to find that, having blogged just once about plans to extend facilities for naturists in Algarve, my site is regularly found by engines looking for Algarve naturism…
Not sure whether I'll ever be brave enough to try it myself, but websites should be about information, so I started checking things out when we were vacationing in Algarve a couple of months ago.
While there may be plans afoot, nothing much seems to have happened to start improving facilities just yet…
But things change slowly in Algarve. Meantime, should you wish to learn more about what's available, check out my new Algarve Naturism page.
I'll be updating it as and when I learn more, so if you have information you'd like to pass on, please use my Algarve Information page, which includes a handy form for just that purpose!
Not sure whether I'll ever be brave enough to try it myself, but websites should be about information, so I started checking things out when we were vacationing in Algarve a couple of months ago.
While there may be plans afoot, nothing much seems to have happened to start improving facilities just yet…
But things change slowly in Algarve. Meantime, should you wish to learn more about what's available, check out my new Algarve Naturism page.
I'll be updating it as and when I learn more, so if you have information you'd like to pass on, please use my Algarve Information page, which includes a handy form for just that purpose!
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Algarve Formula 1?

Will they, won't they...?
The on-off deliberations about a proposed circuit for Formula 1 race cars in Algarve rumble on, apparently.
They are ready to build the 'International Autodrome of Algarve' at Pereira, near Portimao. The only thing missing is the necessary permission from the authorities.
It's a big-budget project - 100 million Euros has been mentioned - but it has its opponents as well as its backers. The area under consideration has been subject to the attention of arsonists in the last few years and most of the local pine trees have disappeared.
Apparently, there's a ban on speculative building in the area, but opponents of the project fear that the law will be breached while the authorities look steadfastly away, in the hope that the money involved will benefit the economy. I suppose I'd have to opine that Formula 1 is hardly representative of Algarve culture!
In my own mind, there is a struggle about this matter. That's because I enjoy watching F1 when it's televised. On the other hand, I know what a terrible waste of energy it represents, with unnecessary pollution, both chemical and sonic.
It will be interesting to see how it pans out. If it happens without proper authorisation, I suppose it will underline the fears of many in the UK - that European ecological laws (among others) will be widely breached by other member states, while observed to the letter in the UK. Hardly a level playing field, if that's how it works.
So, will the winner be ecology or economy?
Watch this space for more news of Algarve developments.