Sunday, December 23, 2012
End of World Postponed...
So, the Mayans got it wrong and the universe didn't implode this weekend. I was relieved, as I'd just been out and bought enough food to fill the freezer. Imagine the waste! But, all is not well with the world, as you'll learn below:
Horror of horrors! It seems that Brits who visit the Algarve (and Portugal generally) may have to do without their fix of home-grown TV... Pretty soon, the transmissions will switch to a new satellite service, which may mean that weaker, or even no, signals will be picked up from the ether. The Portuguese government, already in trouble with its finances, could do without a further reduction in Algarve vacations. Sounds like it's time they petitioned the BBC, ITV and Channels 4 and 5 to keep the soaps and reality shows coming, otherwise cash-strapped Britons might decide to stay at home and spend their money in Blighty instead.