Sunday, February 10, 2013


Manipulating the Traffic

Portugal’s roads are becoming safer all the time, according to official figures.
The effects of drivers avoiding the SCUT toll motorways and using more dangerous single-width roads is lessening.
And this is down to a 15% reduction in the toll fees charged, it is claimed.
That’s the government’s view anyway, but the Portuguese motor associations beg to differ.
They point to a number of factors that the official figures seem to ignore, one of which is that fewer people are driving in cash-strapped Portugal. And, of course, cars are increasingly safer, which all gives you a slightly different picture to the ‘official line’.
And, as my recent photograph of the motorway suggests, even if a few more people used the A22 road that bisects the Algarve you could still count the cars visible in either direction on the fingers of two hands!
The likeliest place to spot the green shoots of Portugal’s recovery is growing through the tarmac of under-used toll roads!
Whether or not you drive on the A22 any time soon, read here about how to stay safe while driving in Portugal.

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