Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Parking Problems

Faro, the Algarve's capital, is in the process of overhauling its parks in an effort to offer more facilities to visitors and residents.
One park, Jardim da Alameda João de Deus has just reopened (an inevitable few months late!) after its latest facelift. Since the park's been around since the mid-1800s, it was doubtless overdue!
The redesigned facility is intended to cater for all ages. Unfortunately, this extends to having caged animals on display, an Iberian quirk that upset me greatly when we visited the Spanish Algarve in April 2005 and saw the disgraceful 'zoo' in Ayamonte's park.
On the plus side, there are new plantings and waterfalls, more shaded benches for 'watching the world go by', and even a 'geriatric' area. Senior citizens are encouraged to stay limber by trying out the exercise kit provided there! (Well, that should save the cost of gym membership when we buy our Algarve villa).
The delay in reopening remains a mystery but hey, this is the laid-back Algarve, when all's said and done.
Forgive and forget, I say.
If you're anywhere near Faro on your next Algarve vacation, check out what's on offer and let me know what you think on my Algarve Best page.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Planning the Campaign...

Since we decided that we're definitely off to live in Algarve, I've been mulling over the preliminary steps.
First thing is to find out about some reasonably-priced accommodation that I can rent while I'm searching for our dream property...
It's a different deal from the short-term vacation rentals that I describe in my Algarve accommodation page.
The sort of price I'd be happy to pay for 1 or 2 weeks of a glorious peak season vacation just won't do when I'm looking at 1 or 2 months for a stay.
Research, research, as they say.
Now, all I need to do is find out where I need to look!
Any suggestions, anyone?
Monday, August 29, 2005
Taking The Plunge!

What a weekend...
Nev and I sat down and really talked, for the first time in ages, about living in Algarve - and it looks like we're going to do it!
We decided that there will always be a hundred reasons why we should put it off, and if we listen to our cautious inner voices, we'll simply never do it.
So I'm knuckling down to some serious research from now on.
First, I'm going to re-read all the necessary steps on my page about buying Algarve property.
Then, I'm going to find out about renting somewhere over in Algarve for at least a month toward the end of this year / the beginning of 2006.
And I'm going to search and search until I find our dream Algarve property.
I'm scared witless, but we're finally going to do it!
Listen out for the splash when we take the plunge...
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Replacing the Divots

As I've noted elsewhere, golf is not my forté.
My swing is famous mainly for the number of nearby persons it might endanger. (Can't remember how many irons have slipped from my 'unorthodox' grip).
So, I don't have to turn down a lot of offers to join keen golfing friends for a round.
Something to do with 'guilt by association', I think - they just don't want to be seen around someone so challenged, in case onlookers think they're that hopeless, too.
But, of the few occasions when I have thrashed a tiny white ball around the semi-rough, the most enjoyable by far have been those that took place on an Algarve golf course.
Thus it was that, when one of husband Nev's golf-nut pals mentioned that he was looking for somewhere new to take a golfing vacation, I lost no time in suggesting that he check out my Algarve golf page.
He was a bit bemused, I think...
Firstly that a mere female should have one of those 'website thingies' (the very idea!) and secondly that he'd not thought of Algarve before.
Now, I might not be that clued-up about golf... (the handle's the end with the rubber grip, right?)... but I do know a thing or two about Algarve!
So, by the time I'd finished enthusing about my favourite holiday destination, some of the passion had rubbed off, methinks.
Whatever, he left promising to check out my web page and see whether I wasn't exaggerating.
As if I would!
For a listing, description and map of all the Algarve golf courses, and a few timely reminders about booking and etiquette, there's only one Algarve golf page you need to visit...
(Even if I do say so myself).
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Tennis Anyone?

After numerous hints (some would say nagging) from husband Nev about an Algarve tennis holiday, I've given in and started looking.
Problem is, we started talking about it over 2 years ago, after my friend Chris had enthused about her first experience of Algarve tennis.
Since then, I've hardly played, so I'll be rusty as an old bedspring - I just know I'll be relegated to the 'useless' section of any coached sessions.
On the bright side, if the weather's lovely (as it should be in September) then perhaps I'll just sit around and watch the others sweat it out in the drills and practice sessions.
And I'll just mingle in at the 'apres racquet' activities and hope no-one notices.
I do feel sorry for Nev, who struggles manfully through the UK climate, year in, year out, in search of a decent day's tennis. So I guess I should at least check to see if I can arrange him some fine-weather hitting while we're on holiday.
Of course, if it's too late and all the places are booked, he can't say I didn't try...
And I'll be able to get on with what I plan to do during our September Algarve vacation. (Cue evil chuckle...)
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Downside of a Sunny Climate?

The wildfires in northern Portugal remind me once more that, however much people in the UK complain about the weather (and we do whinge quite a lot!) we rarely have to put up with the extremes that others suffer...
Prolonged dry weather does carry the 'tinder-box' effect, and these raging fires take an inordinate amount of time and effort to quench.
I was glad that the Portuguese government had shown the good sense to ask for international help in dealing with the present conflagrations.
I hope that nothing like this happens in Algarve, as that would be cruel for a region that is only just recovering from its fiery afflictions in 2003!
It was pleasing to see how quickly the landscape recovered, when I visited in April 2004 (see my Algarve Fires update page). But that rather discounts the trauma experienced by those who lose homes, possessions and - worst of all - loved ones, when human carelessness starts one of these fearsome events.
I'm praying that nothing happens before or during our upcoming September 2005 Algarve vacation. And that's terribly selfish, as I freely admit. But, of course, I'm also praying that Algarve is spared any such horror even after I've returned home. I love the area and feel it quite keenly when anything awful happens there.
Fingers crossed...
Monday, August 22, 2005
Don't Miss...
If you're going to enjoy an Algarve vacation any time including the end of this month, you might like to check out some Algarve culture at a couple of exhibitions...
Albufeira's Marina Art Gallery has a 'collage' of exhibitors until August 30. 1130 to 1730 weekdays and 1330 to 1900 weekends. Tel: 289 599 646
It might be fun to attend, but remember to avert your eyes as you're leaving, else those ghastly, candy-coloured apartment blocks in the marina will ruin the effect of what you've just seen!
Meanwhile, at what is probably my favourite art venue in Algarve, Almancil's São Lourenço Cultural Centre is hosting a showing by Carlos Barão. Open 1000 to 1900, every day (except Mondays) up to September 1st. Tel: 289 395 475
You can read about our wonderful, April 2004 visit to this centre on my Algarve Culture page.
Albufeira's Marina Art Gallery has a 'collage' of exhibitors until August 30. 1130 to 1730 weekdays and 1330 to 1900 weekends. Tel: 289 599 646
It might be fun to attend, but remember to avert your eyes as you're leaving, else those ghastly, candy-coloured apartment blocks in the marina will ruin the effect of what you've just seen!

You can read about our wonderful, April 2004 visit to this centre on my Algarve Culture page.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Revenge of the Sardines

Historically a popular delicacy in the Algarve, it seems that the sardines have had enough...
Now they're trying to sink boats in a crazed bid for revenge.
This week, a catamaran just off Galé beach, near Albufeira, was the most recent recipient of this piscine payback, when a fire forced those onboard to abandon ship!
It started in the sardine store, apparently, which is what led to the suspicion that the scaled avengers were to blame.
Fortunately, only two people were slightly injured, and the rapid response of other recreational craft in the vicinity (a few hundred metres offshore) presumably frightened off any further finned arsonists...
Witnesses claimed that the crew seemed unprepared for the emergency, but who could have foreseen such an event?
If you're planning an Algarve vacation and are tempted to sample some grilled sardines, don't do it on the water...
They're prepared to fight back!
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Faro Frolics...

If you're going to be in Algarve during late September (as I plan to be) then you might like to spend some of a hot afternoon checking out the Sports Fair at Faro (the Algarve's capital).
It's a joint venture affair by the Algarve University and Faro Câmara and, apart from attracting more visitors to the city, it's hoped to promote some of the local sports venues.
The philanthropy doesn't end there, though, as the event is intended to 'educate' folk in how to remain healthier through lifestyle changes. That, to you and me, means performing different forms of exercise...
If you're feeling energetic (or would just like to watch other people losing sweat) then get along to Jardim Manuel Bívar and see what's on offer. The dates are September 23, 24 and 25.
See you there!
And if you'd rather just poke around Faro to see what's there, see how to get there the scenic way on my Explore Algarve page.
Friday, August 19, 2005
On Your Bike...

In a bid to promote a more ecological outlook on local residents, the authorities in Vila Real do S António, on Algarve's south-eastern extreme, are to ban motor vehicles from the town for part of September (2005).
I'll be interested to see (since we're planning to be in Algarve around then) how it works.
My impression of Portugal has always been that it's even more committedly car-mad than the UK.
The idea of all the petrol-heads unable to get their daily fix of fumes, furore and free-for-all is an amusing one...
Apparently, it's linked to European Mobility Week (starts 16 September), though many who routinely travel by motor car might wonder how ending up with less travel choices squares with that!
Disregarding the unfortunately inappropriate name for the event, I will make sure I'm in Vila Real to see it happen. It'll be lovely to walk about without having to watch out for kamikaze drivers.
(Of course, I'll have to work out how to get there without a car...)
But Nev'll be keen to wolf down another of his favourite artichoke-topped pizzas at O Corocao de Cidade (details on my site's Favourite Restaurants page).
I suppose if the ban is adopted more widely, it might even be safe to consider cycling to Vila Real...
I'll watch for developments before I make the final decision on travel arrangements.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Blue Flag Blues...
It's very important, in this age of fickle tourists, that a vacation 
resort should boast a Blue Flag. This announces the availability of an approved, clean stretch of sand for a visitor's recreational use...
Imagine the consternation then, should your resort's Blue Flag status be revoked by the awarding authority.
That could mean repercussions for local businesses - from the grandest hotel to the humblest memento shop. Tourist income is essential for such economies, and the high-earning season is short, even in climates as blessed as that of Portugal's Algarve region.
So, it's little wonder that they're up in arms about losing their Blue flag for Altura beach near Castro Marim, which is in eastern Algarve.
In fact, so incensed are the local Chamber of Commerce (Camara) that they've taken to questioning the competence and impartiality of the Blue Flag auditors! They've even sent back the Blue Flags for two nearby beaches that had them re-awarded.
In the laid-back Algarve, that means things must really be bad!
In dispute are the claimed emissions from the water treatment plant serving Altura and Manta Rota.
It's a 'handbags at 10 paces' stand-off between the Blue Flag Association and the Castro Marim Camara, with the latter claiming that their communications to Blue Flag have gone unanswered.
And it seems that restitution of Altura's Blue Flag won't be enough...
... the Camara members are demanding an apology, too, presumably to display alongside the flag.
It's been a long, hot summer and tempers are fraying, I'd say.
Unfortunately, a period of drought is not the best time to inform tourists that they can't cool off in the sea either.
Let's hope it all works out for the best!
And remember, there are over 100 miles of beautiful Algarve beaches to choose from, if the absence of a blue flag worries you...

resort should boast a Blue Flag. This announces the availability of an approved, clean stretch of sand for a visitor's recreational use...
Imagine the consternation then, should your resort's Blue Flag status be revoked by the awarding authority.
That could mean repercussions for local businesses - from the grandest hotel to the humblest memento shop. Tourist income is essential for such economies, and the high-earning season is short, even in climates as blessed as that of Portugal's Algarve region.
So, it's little wonder that they're up in arms about losing their Blue flag for Altura beach near Castro Marim, which is in eastern Algarve.
In fact, so incensed are the local Chamber of Commerce (Camara) that they've taken to questioning the competence and impartiality of the Blue Flag auditors! They've even sent back the Blue Flags for two nearby beaches that had them re-awarded.
In the laid-back Algarve, that means things must really be bad!
In dispute are the claimed emissions from the water treatment plant serving Altura and Manta Rota.
It's a 'handbags at 10 paces' stand-off between the Blue Flag Association and the Castro Marim Camara, with the latter claiming that their communications to Blue Flag have gone unanswered.
And it seems that restitution of Altura's Blue Flag won't be enough...
... the Camara members are demanding an apology, too, presumably to display alongside the flag.
It's been a long, hot summer and tempers are fraying, I'd say.
Unfortunately, a period of drought is not the best time to inform tourists that they can't cool off in the sea either.
Let's hope it all works out for the best!
And remember, there are over 100 miles of beautiful Algarve beaches to choose from, if the absence of a blue flag worries you...
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Algarve Dreaming...

We're due for some more Algarve property hunting during our next vacation there.
As we'll be going for 2 weeks, I won't mind too much. Not that I normally begrudge the time spent looking around attractive properties...
... but then, normally, it's not keeping me from some quality time on those Algarve beaches.
Husband Nev is now keener than I am, which is a bit of a change from when I first mentioned that I'd like to own an home in Algarve!
Our dilemma is whether to keep a small place in the UK, so we can come back for visits without relying on friends and family for accommodation.
Of course, keeping a UK home would limit our choice of affordable Algarve villas, so it would be a definite compromise...
Watch this space for more dithering and mind-changing.
Now, back to planning that Algarve vacation in September.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Algarve's Water Problems Over?
Not yet, according to a meeting of the regional development commission of Algarve. While it's true that figures show a drop in consumption during June and July 2005 (compared to 2004), it's too soon for consumers to rest on their laurels...
More water saving efforts are required, since this year's drought may prove the shape of things to come. There's even talk of introducing water use regulations and other enforcement measures.

Fortunately, the Algarve coastline provides a limitless source of water that anyone can enjoy, with abundant opportunities for Algarve watersports. Or if you'd rather look on than get wet, just follow my lead and recline on one of those sunny Algarve beaches while watching others getting soaked to the skin!
More water saving efforts are required, since this year's drought may prove the shape of things to come. There's even talk of introducing water use regulations and other enforcement measures.

Fortunately, the Algarve coastline provides a limitless source of water that anyone can enjoy, with abundant opportunities for Algarve watersports. Or if you'd rather look on than get wet, just follow my lead and recline on one of those sunny Algarve beaches while watching others getting soaked to the skin!